Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Monday - grade homework Malala the Powerful vocabulary sheet, short lecture and presentation - hemispheres, equator, prime meridian, four major oceans, homework -  Map Skills 3 and 4 Handout
Tuesday - Journal - List seven continents and Four major oceans, collect map skills homework, class will start Tear-A-Continent Project
Wednesday - finish Tear-A-Continent Project, Discuss Grid System with class, watch Discovering the World and Locating Places (discovery, be ready for latitude and longitude quiz Thursday
Thursday - Focus - 5 minutes - study for latitude and longitude quiz, Review latitude and longitude, take quiz,  
Friday - Focus - watch CNN.student news, short lecture and demonstration on writing a summary (title, thesis statement, two factual sentences, date statement, opinion statement, conclusion), give students take home Latitude and Longitude Test - due Monday * students can work on it with their parents!  I want all As on this assignment.