Friday, October 19, 2018

October 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Monday - Focus - Watch CNN 10, Work on Desert Ecosystem Project, handout sketch paper - start sketches - (animal and ecosystem)
Tuesday - Focus - Watch CNN 10, Work on Desert Ecosystem Project, Work on Map Skills and World Overview 11&12 - Check Wednesday, Make-Up Day - Missing Assignments - turn in!
Wednesday - Focus - Why do we have different season? lamp and orange - rotation/orbit, Watch Video - Reasons for the Seasons (discovery - Discuss 12 Sentence Fact Sheet due at end of period
Thursday - Focus - Warmup - Climate Vary, Present Desert Ecosystem Project
Friday - Focus - Read Escanaba Daily Press - Journal about an article 6-8 sentences, Lesson - Types of Maps - Show class different types of maps - Discuss, Watch CNN 10 *Quiz Monday - types of maps