Welcome Back 7th Graders 2021 - Mr. Hudson
Monday - Introductions, Cover Syllabus and Pacing Guide, Class Expectations, Identify Components of an Essay (pre- test - not graded), CNN News - (if there is time)
Tuesday - Focus - What is social studies? Define in your own words, Take Pre-Test - Mid- Term, Read a book as people finish, go over components of an essay
Wednesday - Focus - What are the Components of An Essay (review with class - use document camera), break into groups for 5 minutes study, Take Components of an Essay Pre-Test, Watch CNN 10
Thursday - Professional Development - Teachers / Students - No School
Friday - No School
Tuesday- Focus - What are your thoughts on the Junior High? (1 paragraph - journal- date/year) - Discuss, What the Five Themes of Geography, Groups of 5 - Take a theme and explain it., Watch a short video on the Five Themes of Geography, Rock Song of the Week * Class Meeting 4th Hours